Thursday, September 25, 2008

In the News (Pit Bull Attacks)

What are your views on the rights of dogs vs. humans? I think that dogs have less rights and should have less rights then humans. I believe that dogs are here for humans not the other way around, but one should never harm a dog just because they think they have this right.
Do you think humans and dogs should receive equal punishments for equal aggression? I think that this is a tough subject, but no they should not. I mean it does depend on the case and what happens, but once again it is just the facts of life that humans have more rights then dogs do.
Do you think that pit bulls are considered dangerous and should be banned? Yes, pit bulls are considered dangerous, but they should not be banned because people have a right to own any kind of dog they want. Also, my cousin owns a pit bull and has a three year old to take care of, and she has trained that dog very well. So I think that people should have this right if they can control their pet.
Do these recent attacks change your ideas toward pit bulls? No, not really I just think people who have these dogs need to know the risks and train the dog or get rid of them. Is there anything you think that could be done to possibly prevent future attacks? People just need to know the risks and not put themselves in a situation that involves interaction with pit bulls.

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