Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Questions for Active Reading pg.371

1. I would say that this technique we used in chapter 2 by reading the first and last paragraph does help to give you a good preview of what was to come in the reading. This technique is good to use with any reading assignment and even if it does not give many details, it does give you a good outlook of what is to come.

2. It is important to know that Lightman is a scientist because it makes the reading more believable and one can understand this idea from a scientists perspective. This also helps the reader to understand where his science related opinion is coming from. No, I do not believe that an artist or a social worker would write about this subject in the same way because for one thing they would not have the same knowledge about this subject. They would also look at this from a different angle in the way they would write about this subject.

3. Lightman seems to be using a lighthearted tone in the first few paragraphs of the reading to explain his point. Some phrases that show this are,"When you think about it, most of you simply believe what you hear." Also,"Round or flat, whatever. It's not a life-or-death matter, unless you happen to live near the edge."He is being serious when he says, " The round Earth, being the obvious center of the universe, provides a fixed pivot for the assembly." The effect of these tones give his writing a personal effect that helps him connect to his readers.

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