Thursday, October 2, 2008

Journal Entry #6

Roger: " Hey Ryan, you know what I keep hearing people talking about in the news today?"

Ryan: " No, what are people talking about?"

Roger: " Well the rights activists for the "Right to Bear Arms" say, " That guns don't kill people, people kill people." So what do you think about that?"

Ryan: "Well I am a hunter and use guns myself to hunt for game, so i definitely would not want and do not think that the constitutional right to own guns as Americans should be taken away!"

Roger: "Yes, that is one way to look at it, but I think that if we banned guns all together then there would be a lot less deaths in the United States and around the world today."

Ryan: "I think you are dead wrong on this one because that kind of thinking is not logical for our world today and you know it."

Roger: "Just because I have true belief or dream about something, does not mean you have to shoot it down."

Ryan: "Yes, I know that, but I really think that it is people with guns that kill people not just guns, so guns are given a stereotype or bad rap because of this."

Roger: "That statement is true, but if we just did away with guns all together I think it would solve many problems we have in our country!"

Ryan: "No way, we could never do that do you understand how many more problems that would end up causing the US?"

Roger: "Well obviously we totally disagree so we will just have to keep debating this subject."

Ryan: "Yes, we will indeed. I will be talking to you soon."

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